Why do we clean our homes in Spring?

Spring Cleaning Origins

Spring has well and truly sprung. With the flowers blooming and winter’s chill in the air thawing, it is time for Mumma Moff to (momentarily) lay down her surfboard and pick up a broom for the annual scrub fest – Spring Cleaning. The phrase Spring Cleaning is one of those phrases that people don’t blink an eyelid at. We all know what Spring Cleaning is, and it is generally accepted as a typical task you do when the time rolls around (or maybe not… no judgement here!). But have you ever wondered why we clean in spring specifically? Why don’t we clean in Summer, Autumn or Winter? Surprisingly, the tradition of Spring Cleaning has long historical ties to symbolism, religion, ritual and absolute downright necessity.

The Symbolism of Spring & Spring Cleaning Today

Spring is a time for new beginnings. The icy grip of winter is releasing its hold and new life and warmth are being breathed back into the land. All that has been made dormant by winters hold sprouts and blooms afresh, seemingly coming back to life. It only feels natural to open the windows and doors and let that sunlight and fresh spring air infiltrate your home that has been shut up all winter to keep in the warmth. In a way, Spring Cleaning is a natural tendency for us human beings. Winter sees a lot of us spending more time indoors, and with spending more time indoors comes the accumulation of mess, clutter and grime. We are fortunate these days with our modern appliances and our busy lifestyles that spring cleaning could merely mean taking the rugs outside for a good shake and some air, or sorting the garage and organising some self-storage for items that are gathering dust. However, for our ancestors spring cleaning was an absolute necessity.

Spring Cleaning in the 1800s

A Washington Post article based on an exhibition on the history of housecleaning highlights that homes during the 1800’s and earlier were typically illuminated with whale oil or kerosene and heated with wood or coal. As you can imagine, the need for light and warmth left an undesirable amount of soot and grime throughout the house after winter. When spring would roll around, women could be found opening windows and doors, airing and beating bedding and rugs outdoors, scrubbing floors and cleaning windows to rid the house of dust, soot and grime. We are indeed fortunate for our modern appliances and technology!

Religious Origins of Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning has been a part of religion and ritual for centuries. In Jewish culture, Spring Cleaning takes place during Passover in early Spring. Passover marks the liberation of Jews from slavery in Egypt, and it is linked to Spring Cleaning through the Book of Exodus. The Book of Exodus states the Israelites had to flee Egypt in a hurry and were unable to wait for their bread to rise and ultimately relied on unleavened bread to fuel their journey. To commemorate the liberation of the Jews from slavery, the Torah requires that no trace of leaven is to remain in the house after Spring. If you are a regular baker, you know this could prove a laboursome task!

In association with the rebirth of nature during spring, Spring Cleaning is a national tradition within the Persian culture (now Iran). The holiday of Nowruz is celebrated on the Persian New Year, on the first day of Spring. The Iranians partake in celebrating the new year by eating special foods, wearing bright clothing and participating in the practice of Khaneh Tekani, which means “shaking the house”. The house and all objects are thoroughly cleaned, and the dust of the old year is swept away (or shaken away) and exchanged with fresh spring flowers like tulips and hyacinths. Khaneh Tekani is an inspiring tradition that might make the idea of Spring Cleaning a little more appealing in our modern times.

Whatever your reasons for Spring Cleaning, Mumma Moff is here to lend a hand (or a storage container). If you are feeling inspired to minimise and declutter during your Spring Clean Mumma Moff offers ground-level, shipping container storage for personal and commercial self-storage purposes in centrally located Wyong. The containers are clean, waterproof, secure and easy to access, and provide an opportunity to make next year’s annual Spring Clean a lot less intimidating! For more hints and tips head to our blog page or contact us to discuss your self storage central coast options.